Empowering Futures: Senegal's Cash Waqf Fund to Extend Health Coverage to 100,000 Quranic School Children This Year
The Cash Waqf Fund
plans to enroll 100,000 children from Quranic schools, known as
"daaras," in the country’s health insurance scheme known as (Couverture
Maladie Universelle - CMU) during the year 2023. This was announced by Racine
Bâ, Director of the High Authority of Waqf, during an event in Tivaouane.
Established in September 2022 by the President of the Republic of Senegal, this
fund aims to attract resources from the private sector and philanthropists.
These resources are subsequently invested in Sharia-compliant products, and the
generated profits are redistributed to those in need.
The first
beneficiaries of this program will be the students of Quranic schools, with
100,000 children from the most disadvantaged "daaras" being covered
by CMU starting this year. The Cash Waqf Fund is an example of structured
philanthropic investment, replenished annually, and should inspire other
religious communities and the entire society. It is considered an effective
instrument for financing and combating poverty in Senegal and many parts of the
world. It's worth recalling that Waqf, an instrument of Islamic social finance
rooted in Islamic tradition, has been playing this crucial role for centuries
by strengthening the social fabric.
Furthermore, there are
plans to use Waqf-related instruments in the construction of the grand mosque
of Tivaouane to facilitate the maintenance of places of worship. A successful
example of this mechanism can be found in the management of the holy sites of
Islam in Mecca and Medina, where a Waqf fund was created to finance the
maintenance and needs of the workers.
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